
Friday, November 18, 2011

Be You, Find You, Be Happy With That

A couple of things in this lifetime that many of us never find before our lives end are our real true selves. Not being able to find one's self, will limit a person in so many ways, mainly because they never get to live life as their self, but also because they can never really live up to their truest potential because they aren't living as whom they really are. 
Happiness also stems from living as who we really are on the inside, trying to live life as someone that we have no business trying to be will only lead to a life full of emptiness, temporary joy, and dissatisfaction. Sure it may be easy to gain acceptance from our peers and society by living as someone as we really aren't, but we must remember, the easiest path, or the path of least resistance, is the path that those who lose in life take. Be you, find you, and be happy with who you are.

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