
Friday, November 18, 2011

Today's Trial Is Tomorrow's Testimony

Everything that you are going through today is nothing but a testimony for tomorrow. All of us have at one time or another got caught up in the situation that we are dealing with in our present, and make permanent decisions because of it. Not realizing that life is full of seasons, some good and some bad, some happy, some sad, but none remaining forever. 
In order to combat the mistake of making horrible decisions when times are rough, we have to first know who we are, second, we must know that every person including ourselves will see bad times or storms in their lives. Just when it seems that the storm is getting is worse, eventually that storm will have to subside, and the sun will soon shine again. Do not let today's trials overcome you, and give you a defeated attitude during your times of sunshine. But instead promote your testimony of how you overcame the storms that you went through, and give others hope that after the storm the sun will shine again!

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