
Friday, November 18, 2011

Trusting Someone

We all need that one person in our lives who we can tell everything to and trust with our lives. Otherwise life becomes so lonely and painful. 
Speaking from experience, many times it is very convenient to be able to have a person to confide in and be able to tell any and everything to, at any given time, without them judging you. Though a friend like this may be exceptional, in the world we live in a friend like that may be hard to come by. Often times a friend like this will be someone you may have grew up with, or known for a long amount of time. 
It is important to know that when you have a friend of this caliber to keep them close, and to keep what they tell you in the strictest confidence as well. Doing so will enable you to keep a friendship going that may last a lifetime. It is easy for most to start a friendship like this, the hard part is putting the work in to maintain this friendship, and to make it keep growing.

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