
Friday, June 22, 2012

Make The Best Of What You Have

There is no need to have it all, just make the best of what you have. 

What need is there to waste your time making money? Material wealth is fine and all, but we have to realize that making money should only be a tool to do what we really want to do in life. If we are willing to make the best of what we have, then in a sense we will have everything we have ever needed. 

Chase after things that are substantial, and that actually mean something to you at heart. It is easy to chase after money, but what will happen if you get it and you have nothing else to live for. 

You can buy things like diamond rings, homes, and jewelry, but you cant buy real love, real friendships, real happiness, or real fulfillment. So make sure that having it all to you means something more than wealth or status, make sure your dreams really mean something to you.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Love Makes You Hold On To Things You Shouldn't

Love makes you hold on to things you shouldn't but who are we to know any better?
Sometimes when we love we are stuck loving someone who has no desire to change, or no desire to work things out with us in an effort to make things better, or to keep the relationship on a track of growth and fulfillment. There comes a point in time in some relationships that we must realize the only option that we have to live a good life is to let what is weighing us down in life go.
Sometimes a love must be broken and let go so that both hearts won't have to keep suffering. Though it is true that love makes you want to hold on to things that you shouldn't, it is up to you to seek what is truly in your heart to know that you deserve greatness in every aspect of your life, including your love life. There is a huge difference between settling for a person because of the love shared in the past, and loving someone because they are who is meant for you. Never be afraid to let go.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Life Is Short

Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them. 
Whether we choose to realize it or not, no tomorrow is never promised, no plan is ever full proof, and not every wish will be granted to us. We must live our lives knowing these things and keeping in mind that we should seize every day, and love with everything that is inside of our hearts. We must also realize that people will upset us and disappoint us, and holding on to anger will only take away from energy that we need in order to produce the desired results that we seek out of life. 
Fourth, we must remember that living a life in fear, isn't quite living a life at all, and in order to overcome our fears, all that we must do is face them, never worrying about failure, and giving everything 110%. Last but not least, we have to celebrate our past every once in a while, for it wasn't for the memories that we made we would not be the person that we are in the present.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Remembering Moments

We do not remember days. We remember moments. 
With the exemption of a day filled with traumatic events, not many of us can sit back and remember every conversation word for word, every place we went to and at what times, every meal we ate, and everything we watched on TV on one day over a week ago. What we do remember are the good, and the bad moments that we made with the people we love and by ourselves. Truly at the end of our lives when we are gone from this earth that is what those who knew us will remember us for as well, the moments that we shared with them. It is imperative that if you are not making use of every moment of your life, that you start doing so now. All that you will have at the end of your life, when your health is receding are the memories that you made for yourself, and the memories that you made for others. If you are not able to remember these, hopefully you made a profound enough effect on someone's life that will!

Getting Over A Break Up

Just when I thought I was over you and just when I thought I could stand on my own. Oh, baby those memories come crashing through, and I just cant go on without you. 
Sometimes in our lives we are confronted with a huge problem, after giving a considerable length of time after breaking up, just when we think we are over someone we find ourselves feeling as though we can't make it without our ex lover. We are faced with the huge decision of trying to renew a relationship with someone who may not necessarily be willing to do the same, or not trying at all and basically just cutting our losses. When you make this decision try to remember the reasons that you decided to break up with this person. 
Were they reasons caused by your ill will or did the other person in the relationship not really hold up their end of the deal. Only you know what is right for you but note that it is important to realize that if someone mistreats you and wasn't willing to change before you broke up with them, chances are they won't be willing to change now. If on the other hand you know you were in the wrong and you feel like you can change and be a better lover, than by all means go for it! Just remember not to get content if you renew your relationship, and try to remember how you felt when you didn't have your significant other, so that your newly renewed relationship wont be reminiscent of the past.

Precious Memories

 Every memory is precious. Whether it is a bad one or a good one, they overall shape us for who we are today. So don't let any of them go. 
Precious memories. Think of a memory as a power, only you can relive the experiences that you have been through, whether to please you aesthetically, to grab wisdom by using your past experiences to help you make new decisions, help interact with other people, or to help with problem solving. We keep memories for a variety of reasons sometimes to hold on to the things we love the things that have made us who we are and who we never want to lose. It is kind of like how Oscar Wilde says "memories are small diaries that we will keep in our heads always." 
Not every memory will be pleasant because it is not just good things that make us who we are, we are molded and shaped by the bad things that happen in our lives as well. We must learn to never let memories go, but never let our past determine our future either.

Take Risks, Be Happy, Stay Positive

Take risks, be happy, stay positive. 
When we were young we really didn't understand what risks were, we just did things as we saw fit to do them. Sometimes as older individuals we need to take risks as we did when were young. Instead of the over analyzing and the procrastination sometimes we just have to look into our hearts, and "just do" things. Sure there are limits to things that we must "just do", I'm not saying just jump off of a cliff to see if you can make a way to catch your fall, but we must eliminate some of the walls we put up when we see opportunities come our way. We must take a look at risks in a positive light, and more of as a journey of the exploration of yourself and your dreams. Without risks we will never know what we are truly capable of, and can never truly be happy. So live your life to the fullest, take risks, be happy, and stay positive!

Follow Your Heart

Follow your heart. 
Many of us are quick to assume that if we are breathing and functional that we are actually "alive". Being alive is actually being the person who you really are at heart. You might be living your life, but that life may not constitute you being alive if you aren't living as the person who you really know you are. So many of us feel pressure to run our lives as those who claim they love us want us to live it. 
The people who really love you will allow you to live life as yourself, and will encourage you to follow your heart, as long as they know that it won't kill you. Following your heart is making a choice to be alive. Following your heart requires you to listen to no one but god and yourself in order to make your decisions. Following your heart will leave you fulfilled and will also lead to happiness. What are you following? Your heart's path? Or the path that everyone else wants you to follow?

Seize The Day

Whatever you want to do, do it, there are only so many tomorrows. 
Seize the day that you are living in. When we make it a habit of putting off doing what we love, we send a message to ourselves basically saying that we aren't important. Life is really too short not to love every moment of it. Spend time exploring who you are at your heart's level. Make time to follow your dreams, and achieve the goals that you know you want to achieve. 
                                         Don't let the tough parts of life discourage you, for we all experience them. You are the master of your dreams, and only you can achieve them, nobody else will achieve them for you. Putting off the pursuit of your dreams will lead you to a dead end on Unfulfilled Street, and before you know it your whole life may have passed by. It is never too late to start going in the direction of where your dreams, and goals are located. As long as you are at least in the pursuit of your dreams by the time that it is your turn to go, the odds are better that you will be more fulfilled than if you would of never tried!

Life Is Too Short To Be Unhappy

Life is too short to be unhappy. 
Seeking to be fulfilled and happy is probably one of the most important goals that we should aim for throughout our lives. When we learn about ourselves earlier on in life we then realize who we are and what we are passionate about. Whether we choose to pursue these passions then falls on us. 
Sure, there is a plan for our lives, but there is also a heavy responsibility on us to actually make the right choices and to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead of us, that we feel in our hearts are actually for us. No one wants to go all the way through their life, and then realize at an old age that they were never really fulfilled. You have to take risks, follow your heart, laugh, love, and most importantly be who you are, who you really are at your heart's level. By doing this fulfillment and happiness will come by default!

Cherish Every Moment

Cherish every moment. 
Every moment that passes by is a moment that we will never get back. It should be a huge priority for everyone to cherish every moment that we possibly can. Make sure that you spend that time with your loved ones. Yes, it is important to work, but sometimes sacrifices must be made in order to just be there for the people that we love, and that know really need our support. 
Don't waste time in the pursuit of your dreams. They may seem out of reach at the moment, but the farther along that you progress, the less the distance will be to the finish line. Never stop, or let anything stop you from doing what you love, with the people that you love and that truly love you. Cherish every single moment in your life, because you never know when it will end, and because time is something that when spent, can never be recouped.

Learn To Appreciate What You Have

Learn to appreciate what you have, before time forces you to appreciate what you had. 
Many of us get so easily swallowed into society's fast pace today, and consume ourselves with the lust of material things, and the want for relationships that we may see others with and desire but don't quite exactly have just yet. We have to learn to appreciate the things that we have. Sure your boyfriend or girlfriend may not be perfect, and may not love you exactly how you want to be loved. But in all honesty just because someone doesn't love you the way that you want to be loved, doesn't mean that they don't love you with everything inside of them. 
Sure, your car might not be the best looking piece of equipment on the road, or may not even be the best driving, but atleast you have something to get you from Point A to Point B, a lot of people surely can not say the same. We must learn to appreciate the things that we do have in life, because at any given time these things can be taken away from us!

You Are More Important Than You Realize

You are more important that you realize. 
We have all been through situations and dealt with people we really care about who can sometimes make us feel that we aren't as important as we know we really are. Don't fall in the trap and let yourself think that you aren't important. Doing so will only discourage you from doing what you know that you are truly capable of. Instead walk daily with your head held high and a humble strong confidence that let's everyone know that you are somebody. 
Never let your circumstances make you feel less than what you are, and that is a king or queen in your own right. You know what you are capable of, and you may not even know all of the things that you are capable of, but you must always remind yourself that even in the midst of dark times, great things are in the horizon. Keep pressing forward because you fulfilling your destiny and dreams are of the utmost importance! You are important, never let any person (including yourself) or anything that you are going through convince you otherwise!