
Friday, November 18, 2011

Precious Memories

 Every memory is precious. Whether it is a bad one or a good one, they overall shape us for who we are today. So don't let any of them go. 
Precious memories. Think of a memory as a power, only you can relive the experiences that you have been through, whether to please you aesthetically, to grab wisdom by using your past experiences to help you make new decisions, help interact with other people, or to help with problem solving. We keep memories for a variety of reasons sometimes to hold on to the things we love the things that have made us who we are and who we never want to lose. It is kind of like how Oscar Wilde says "memories are small diaries that we will keep in our heads always." 
Not every memory will be pleasant because it is not just good things that make us who we are, we are molded and shaped by the bad things that happen in our lives as well. We must learn to never let memories go, but never let our past determine our future either.

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